Mendelssohn violin concerto (Chihiro Ono/Neil Luck/ARCO-Squib/FRO)
St Gregory's Centre for Music
Canterbury CT1 1ND
We finish our Spring season with a performance of Mendelssohn’s violin concerto like you’ve never heard it before.
The celebrated classical soloist, Chihiro Ono, will play the solo violin part completely straight, while an orchestra of improvising musicians, dancers and poets interpret Mendelssohn’s score with theremin, live electronics, oboe, flute, saxophones, trumpet, pianos, viola, violins, double bass, voices, guitars, bass clarinet, cutlery, musical saw and tap dancing.
Following on from their performance of the Beethoven violin concerto for BBC Radio 3, experimental music groups Squib-box and ARCO and the soloist Chihiro Ono join forces with the Free Range Orchestra for this extraordinary performance of this perennial classic.
The concert also features smaller sets by members of ARCO and Squib.
chihiroono.com Chihiro Ono (violin soloist)
neilluck.com Neil Luck (conductor?!)
squib-box.com/2018/05/baggage-beethoven-violin-concerto Beethoven violin concerto
bbc.co.uk/programmes/p05zshht Beethoven violin concerto
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