SKYLLA / & Karybdis
Fruitworks Coworking
1-2 Jewry Ln, Canterbury CT1 2NP
Ruth Goller is a bassist, vocalist, composer, environmentalist and one of the most in-demand musicians at the moment, performing bass alongside Alabaster DePlume, Shabaka Hutchings, Bex Burch, and Damon Albarn. Though it is with her personal project SKYLLA that experience, technique, and ambition merge into her defiantly unclassifiable new album SKYLLUMINA. Open your ears and heart to the bliss of de-tuned bass alongside a trio of interweaving virtuosic vocal lines and dizzying defiant drum patterns. Join us for far-out sibilant ice-age siren songs that haunt like something conjured in a fever dream - powerful and raw - prepare to be smitten!
The opening set features & Karybdis. Skylla’s pop-up warm up act.
You are between a rock and a hard place. Between speech & song.
Now on the other path are two cliffs, one of which reaches with its sharp peak tothe broad heaven, and a dark cloud surrounds it. This never melts away, nor does clear sky ever surround that peak in summer or in harvest time. Nomortal man could scale it or set foot upon the top, not though he had twentyhands and feet; for the rock is smooth, as if it were polished. And in themidst of the cliff is a dim cave, turned to the West, toward Erebus, even whereyou shall steer your hollow ship - The Odyssey, Book XII
& Karybdis is between a band and duet between Alexis Deese-Smith and Kat Peddie.
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