
Do you have a project or plan for a project that seems in sympathy with the work we present here at Free Range? Would you like some help in getting it off the ground or having it performed? Could it work as part of one of our Free Range events as an opening set perhaps? Or might it be better suited to an open mic event?

If the answer is yes to any of these then our new Incubator Curator Programme might be for you. Maureen Wolloshin and Cassie de St. Croix would love to hear from you. If the project looks as though it's a good fit for us we can offer mentoring and advice to help you get the work up and running.We may be able to arrange rehearsal space for you to get it into shape.  If it's ready to go we'll work with you to see where it would fit best in our schedule.

Contact Maureen Wolloshin at [email protected] in the first instance.

Coming up:

Phil Minton’s Feral Choir

Thu 28-11-24
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